Don't panic if you have stocks with good performance and prices don't rise. It will go up sooner or later. Just have tea and watch a play. Over and over again, you will get up before you know it.If you open lower, choose the opportunity to be bold and low-sucking, and after pulling up, throw it high to make a positive T.There is no news now, and the maverick China Red was cashed on Thursday. So red Hong Zhou is still worth looking forward to tomorrow.
1. Remember that health comes first, family comes second, work comes third and investment comes fourth!If it is high, throw away the part that was sucked low the day before, and wait for the opportunity to step back and suck in at a low level.
The strong pressure is around 2350;Science and technology-new quality generation, new energy, military industry, special evaluation, big finance, medicine and medical care, should be good.3. Investment is to make life happier and happier. If investment makes you unhappy at all, please leave this market immediately regardless of profit or loss!
Strategy guide
Strategy guide
Strategy guide 12-14
Strategy guide